Terms of Service

Tentative Zoom Sessions/Telegram Calls

All scheduled sessions, consultations and/or interviews are tentative; meaning, I have adjusted my sessions and services to being primarily flow-based. This means that despite the fixed call time you book on my calendar, I also need you to provide additional time bracket(s) of availability for that day in the event that I need to speak earlier than your selected time or later. This ensures that I am able to be as present and engaged as I possibly can.

When your scheduled session rolls around and you receive your confirmation email beforehand, I'll need you to let me know how soon in advance you'd like to be notified so that I can correspond with you via the Telegram App as that time approaches. For example, your response to your confirmation email can go something like this:

"Confirmed! I am available to talk anytime between 11am-3pm EST and 5pm-10pm EST. Please let me know at least 20 minutes beforehand when you're ready to speak with me at 232-434-4654 via Telegram."

PS: I will only wait 10 minutes for you to enter the Zoom room. After 10 minutes has passed, if you have not showed up or given me written notice of your need to reschedule, you forfeit your call and all associated services + monies paid without the option to reschedule. No exceptions.

Days + Hours of Operation

If you typically communicate with me via Telegram, please keep in mind that during the week, my hours of operation are from 1pm-6pm CST and I do not work on weekends at all. I will not respond to text messages or voice memos via Telegram outside of my days + hours of operation, so make sure your Telegram notifications are turned on so that during my work hours, we can engage more consistently without random, prolonged gaps in communication.

Why Didn’t I Receive A Contract Upon Booking?

While I do eventually curate contracts for certain services (I.e. eye readings), it is just so that you are clear on the nature of how I conduct this service; as it can be quite peculiar to the average joe. In my eyes, contracts are for consent and due to the upheld integrity of my practices, I personally do not care to ensure my own protection “legally” in the event that someone is blindly consenting to what comes with working with me.

I allow my own Natural Law governed discretion/discernment (as far as a person’s karmic disposition is concerned) take the lead when it comes to my personal affairs with clients; as I do not lend my civil matters to courts and governments.

How Do Eye Readings + Karmic Imprint Scans Work?

After you’ve uploaded and submitted your headshot, I'll be looking over the photo for quite a bit; letting it’s contents settle into my Spirit, then walking away from it so that I can get acquainted with your field even more than I already have upon engaging with you.

When I revisit it and finally feel that I'm anchored enough into your field, I begin my channeling and that's when you'll get your results. I may request an additional headshot when you are next on my list.

You can expect to experience psychosomatic symptoms upon booking, as well as overtime as that process continues to unfold. Feel free to share your experiences and/or symptoms with me as they come up; especially if they begin to make you uncomfortable.

I do have a huge workload and do not work on weekends or after certain hours; so please bare in mind that if what you share does not warrant a response, I may simply react to it with an emoji as a means to acknowledging that I read it and am with you in mind and spirit.

You may also go to my Instagram highlights section and visit the "Symptoms" & "Eye Readings" folders to learn more about the psychosomatic effects you may experience when working with me, what they mean and how to deal with them accordingly.

Disclaimer: Please do not rush me through this process and please do not book an Eye Reading or Karmic Imprint Scan if you do not have some level of trust in my ethics as a person or do not understand the unconventional nature by which I conduct my practices. I will not be rushed, pressured or dish out readings for consumer, novelty purposes by any means and would much rather issue a refund if you fail to accept these terms.

Both Eye Readings/Karmic Imprint Scans as well as Mentorship are governed by principled that are paralleled to natural labor and birth; I will not artificially induce any aspect of your sacred rite of passage, I will not pre-maturely make you birth an aspect of yourself that you are not ready to birth and I will not rush any aspect of your Homecoming; as it will cause more trauma, fragmentation and disembodiment = karmic debt.

The nature of how I commune with your spirits, as well as as your pranic reserve (be it abundant or deficit) will dictate how far and how deep I can go with your reading. Forcibly pulling information to satisfy your curiosity in a way that you cannot yet spiritually afford can do you more of a disservice in the long run and will also rob me of prana to make up for any deficits on your end. I am not in servitude to the human ego; as this is holy work and I honor integrity far more than I honor the dense desires that clients may have

*Please bare in mind that if you only paid $25-$100 for your reading, while you will receive some profound and integrative insights, do not anticipate your results being reflective of my in-depth services, which range from $100-$700. By nature, Heartwork Eye Readings, Karmic Imprint Scans, Mentorship Assessment Scans and Brief Eye Readings are shorter readings by nature. In-Depth Eye Readings, Children's Eye Readings and Wombman's Inherent Magick Eye Readings, on the other-hand, are a lot meatier. You can always opt for something more in-depth if you'd like to go deeper after receiving your results.

Menstrual Cycle Policy

This policy of mine is pretty self-explanatory: I do not work on my menstrual cycle…at all. I will not answer emails, texts and will reschedule webinars, sessions, etc., until my cycle has ended. My bleed is a very sacred time for me; as it is a huge blood sacrifice and what happens in that time reflects the quality of spiritual commerce I’ve been doing, my relationship with own inherent magick and many other things that directly reflect my psychospiritual work. This policy is very strict and I will not dishonor this time, as it is holy for me and I will do nothing short of treating it as such.

Monthly Installment Boundaries

I offer a 3 day grace period for you to pay the monthly installment you agreed to pay for whichever service you’ve chosen to commit to. Whether you’ve have arranged an installment plan for one of my courses or mentorship, if you fail to pay your installment by the 3rd day, you will forfeit the service + all monies paid, lose access to all portals and all calls scheduled out in the future will be canceled.

If you cannot commit to this work spiritually or financially (which go hand in hand, please do not impulsively book or do anything that is outside of your current means.

Refund Policy

*Upon booking any service of mine, you are confirming that you have familiarized yourself with these Policies of mine.


  1. If you are subscribed to any of my monthly subscriptions are would like to cancel your subscription, you must take the initiative to do so prior to your monthly renewal date using your portal login info. If you need assistance, feel free to reach out to me directly via email requesting cancellation so that I may do so manually.

  2. If you fail to reach out to me prior to your subscription renewal date requesting cancellation before you are charged, I am not obligated to issue you a refund.

Additional Refund Policies

  • I do not issue refunds for any of my digital products, courses or services; so please make sure that if you decide to book, that you are committed and serious about this work.

  • I am not a cash-out source for people going through financial struggle, impulsive spenders whom later wish to retract their spends or people who have commitment issues. I say this because many people are not committed to this work and when they are in a financial rut, there go scrummaging through all of their spends to see who they can get a refund from; some even go as far as to dispute transactions with their banks when they know good and well they made those purchases. There's no integrity in that and I have grown strict over the years because of this.

Transferring Service Credits

In the event that you no longer want to move forward with a service you booked, you have the option to transfer it into a service credit and put it toward another service. If this is something you’d be interested in, please refer to the below bullet points:

  • If the service you choose is of equal value than the original service, there will be no balance for you nor I to pay.

  • If the service you choose is of lesser value than the original service, I will pay you the difference.

  • If the service you choose is of more value than the original service, you will have to pay me the difference.

Mentorship Terms

Things You Will Be Provided With Upon Onboarding

  • An Onboarding Email

  • Access To My “Fundamentals of Karmic Clearing” Mentorship Portal (Contains Zoom Scheduling Links, Workbooks, etc.)

  • Pre-Recorded Tutorials Walking You Through How To Navigate The Portal, Workbook, etc.

In Need of Additional Support?

If you are a mentee of mine and are in need of support outside of my hours of operation, please share your thoughts/sentiments within the group chat designated for my mentees on the Geneva App so that my chat host can assist you in my absence!

Also, keep in mind that I do take random periods of space from you to allow for integration.