ALL of my services, courses, subscriptions, digital products and future launches are not accessible to the general public unless you Pledge $100 per month.

Once pledged, feel free to re-read the information below prior to requesting this course after successfully pledging.

Disclaimer: Ignore the listed price of $10,000 on this page; this is only listed because the item is not available for purchase without pledging.

What Does This Self-Led Course Entail?

This 4-Lesson Course will provide business owners, entrepreneurs and overall digital nomads with the karmic comprehension skills, subtle body awareness and spiritual hygiene necessary to understand their own karmic disposition.

Once the residues of ones subtle bodies are brought into conscious awareness, one can make the necessary changes to avoid karmic interferences that often assume form when one is so deep in survival mode (fragmented mind-body-spirit), that they accrue more karmic debt via dissonant clients, projects and offerings due to subtle body uncleanliness. During our 5 days together, I will be teaching the following:

  • Lesson 1: Intro To Subtle Bodies, Karmic Cycles & Freedom From Time: Residue Attunement, Clearing Your Field and Maintaining Auric Hygiene To Avoid Karmic Interferences

  • Lesson 2: The Strategy: Intentionally Timeline Hopping Through Subtle Body Residues With High Charge At Will

  • Lesson 3: Not All Money Received Is Good Money: Understanding How Subtle Body Residues From People On Dense, Artificial Timelines Can Be Transferred Via Currency & Manifested Into Dissonant Experiences

  • Lesson 4: Turning Creations Into Currency: Recognizing The Nervous System Cues That Are Generated Through High Sacral Charge + Expressing Into Currency

  • Lesson 5: Recognizing Subtle Body Contamination: Psychological & Emotional Cord Cutting Accelerated To Avoid Perceived Money/Opportunity Blockages

What You’ll Learn:

Meet Your Instructor.

Nikhol Rei

As you all may or may not know, I am a Karmic Advisor. I have managed to make $40k on some months doing what I love and being my complete self. And not only that, through my works, I’ve been able to turn my “business” exchanges and experiences into catalysts for clearing karma and opening myself up to more abundance, prosperity, harmony and authenticity; never selling myself to a person, idea or industry. Through this course, I hope to be able to help you use awareness of your own karmic disposition to assist you with claiming your spiritual authority and core essence within your practice while simultaneously maintaining spiritual cleanliness.


  • Nikhol’s reflection will remind you of your truest purity and nature. Her authentic expression beautifully embodies the duality of coexistence. Nikhol’s presence is powerful, transformational, and incomparable. Her words are always captivating and she delivers the message with a flawless balance of potency and eloquence every time. Nikhol’s devotion to true healing and the undeniable love that she pours into her all of her work is guaranteed to open up your heart space. Since I first worked with you, I have been able to give and receive love in much healthier ways than what my ego was allowing for. Your work is truly a gift that forever keeps on giving. You were the first person that led me back to myself and for that I’m forever thankful. Thanks again for being you! Wishing you lifetimes of love, joy, and laughter!

    - Fabiola Godinez | General Review

  • In the Summer of 2021, I was looking to make a change. I wanted to fulfill a life dream of living and raising my child in the tropics. I had always been intrigued and attracted with living outside of the US. So one day while scrolling on Instragram I found Nikhol's page and immediately vibed with the content she was creating. One thing led to another, I followed her page, and thus gained knowledge about workshops and online events she was hosting. To my surprise, one of her live posts was in regards to an online event she would be hosting that was related to the realities of living in the tropics! The price point for the event was ideal for me as a working single mama and more importantly I wanted to hear first-hand from another mama who experienced living in the tropics with her child. The event was inspiring and enlightening. I gained much knowledge, which I then used to plan build and bring my dream of living in the tropics into fruition. Two months after her event, I had relocated to Central America with my child for 2 months in order to experience what life what be like for us. I can't thank Nikhol enough for giving me the tools and raw truth about what to expect. Thank you sis and may you be blessed and continue to help others around the world live out their dreams.

    - Camille H. | General Review

  • You see me grow, and the guidance from all your teachings & experiences, has reminded me of how to embody my inner principles of feminine & masculine, in present moment. Thank you for how you gracefully embody both.

    - Bryanne Rose | General Review

For Pledgers Only.

For Pledgers Only.

Intuitive Marketing For Sacred Commerce
One time

Consider Intuitive Marketing the feminine aspect missing from the more common masculine approaches toward marketing more commonly used in corporate arenas. These days, the more masculine aspect of marketing seems to only be concerned with lead magnets, funnels, converting them into sales and manipulating people via their vulnerabilities and spiritual blindspots. Here, we cover the large grey area that is not being accounted for as the feminine aspect continues to be absent in this approach.

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