Testimonials: Courses, Eye Readings, Sessions & Live Webinars

  • This was one of the best readings, I have ever had. She told me exactly what I was experiencing on so many levels. The eye reading has helped me take that step back and really do the reflection and introspection that was needed to transmute not only my energy but my circumstances. The clarity that has been coming into my life has been super profound and it was everything she talked about in my specific reading. Also taking heed of her channeling has catapulted me into a higher timeline than before I received her reading. She truly is a gift and I would definitely purchase a more in depth reading in the future.

    - Tei Murray | Eye Reading/Subtle Body Channeling

  • Nikhol's work and gifts have assisted my inner growth and understanding beyond what I could've expected. I was able to dive deeper into myself utilizing the tools and reflections given by Nikhol and I am grateful!

    - Ashauntee J. | Eye Reading/Subtle Body Channeling & The Fulfillment Code

  • Awakening daughters was truly an amazing shift to be apart of. I learned the intricacies and subtle ways of my own spirits and how they animate into reality. The vernacular used was ancient and helped to unlock the parts of myself that were unknowingly locked away. The space was so safe and had no hidden agenda. I grew so much over the course of this initiative, I am armed with tools and technology I didn’t know I needed in life and now have the capacity to honor my spirits. I once was a person who relied on intellect in everyday life and now that I am in touch with my nature. I am aligned with life’s treasures and true abundance. There are not enough words to describe this experience, it was beyond an honor to be apart of. I learned so much about myself through this interaction and I am a better person than I was coming in; self improvement at its finest. Best investment I’ve made in this lifetime thus far and because of this I can navigate through space and time fully anchored in my body.

    - Dominek Nelson | Awakening Daughters of Lilith, Round 1

  • Nikhol you were able to express a lot of what I felt and have felt since I was a child. Parts of my true essence peak out at times and due to me operating in my masculine so much I often push it away or ignore what is asking to be ignited. The amount of cords attached makes a lot of sense as to why I am spiritually deficient and bound to the circumstances I experience. I can’t thank you enough. Although you shed light, you gave me the courage to want to cut said cords and explore proper nourishment!

    - Kaylah Coulter | Eye Reading/Subtle Body Channeling

  • What came up for me is in the past my ability to over share, recognizing trauma response is a generational curse. Not paying attention to my body particularly my nervous system,How shallow my breathing is.. still operating in survival, and not seeing ny own self worth. The way you break things down, not only is it digestible i am able to understand why i was getting exhausted so quickly. Where just about a month ago i started finding stillness, in this face paced world and how things and clients are shifting.

    - Christina Mosqueda | Intuitive Marketing For Sacred Commerce Self-Led Course

  • One of the best things that happened to me was I was able to finally break the dependence I had.with weed. I've been able to quit and stick with it this time. Which had lead to be able to be more grounded and present in my body. This is a wonderful apprenticeship for anyone looking for invaluable insights that can be applied to every aspect of your life.

    - Baquiya Seldon | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • This apprenticeship changed my life to say the least. Not only did I receive a better understanding of the true essence of shadow work, I also connected with some extremely dope ass people in the process. Nikhol knew exactly who she was bringing together and I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to take the journey with. This apprenticeship was worth every penny plus some to be honest!

    - Jasmine McIver | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • This apprenticeship dragged me in all the ways I needed. It re-lit the fire and restored my sight that I had allowed to be blurred by selling myself out. I feel I have returned to my centre and body - all though I do have days/moments I slip - I now feel armed with the ability to pull myself out and through. I am sincerely grateful for the work you do and the verocity you emit. I experienced beyond anything I could have thought. The apprenticeship was the support of a crossing over into a very different way of living that I had asked and wanted to experience in tandem with visions I had received a few years ago. Your guidance/sharing and the group and platform was a space that reflected back to me all my own dark corners to explore and reclaim. It had to get really real with myself which was and continues to be gritty and confronting but liberating and necessary. Thank you Nikhol. Our crossing was a point of intervention on my path. I've many times uplifted you in my heart and sent acknowedgment, recognition and offerings to your spirits with more to come in ways that I can as I continue this transition. Working with Nikhol is to turn everything you think you know on its head and get very real with your SELF. It took the residual victim programs I had running and put me back in the driver's seat. I was bordering spiritual unaliveness and disconnection from my birthrights and gifts. The Shadow Worker Apprenticeship firmly planted me back into the centre of my experience where I was able to see the mechanics of my surroundings. I have since landed into the life I've been holding in my heart and vision. It has been a monumental shift and I continue to see and experience this unfolding in tandem with my willingness to continually step up and face & integrate the necessary shadows in all areas. Nikhol is a powerhouse who copiously embodies what most severely lack. For this and all Nikhol shares I am deeply grateful.

    - Rhesida Davies | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • Being enrolled in Nikhols Shadow Worker Apprenticeship was really a huge blessing and really catapulted me in the most profound ways. Before, I had only a small amount of understanding of karma, disassociation (being passenger in your vessel), and contracting and how they work. During it was literally a shift of me taking and gaining control and sight on who I was and how I got my being to that current point in time in my lyfe. The content was raw, authentic, and resonating to my nervous system

    - LeAndra Savage | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • if you would like to learn how to use everything coming in your path to your benefit or not lol this course is for you! i’ve never been so aware until after this course. i can now pinpoint who, what, where, when, how and why im receiving and reacting to certain situations in my life. great training if you want to be an alchemist of life.

    - Abriah Miles | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • Nikhol is the most authentic expression of wisdom in a modern world full of wannabe healers. She is always willing to go to the trenches herself in order to help the collective, to share the parts of herself that others would fear being seen as unprofessional or losing money or clients. She’s a pure mirror for the unmet parts of yourself. You cannot micromanage her as a mentor and therefore you learn how to drop the control and fear in your own healing. Her way of facilitating dismantles every box or black/ white idea about what’s right or wrong, teaching you to stay with yourself through every part of the spectrum. She breathes life into your darkness and helps you to end separation that can come with trying to move away from the things that do not align or hurt us. she embodies her own transitions and alchemy so potently that it is a continuous opportunity to be curious about any fixed ideas you have about what your life should or needs to look like at any time. You get to taste the oneness that often goes unintegrated in spiritual circles due to the resistance to see anything ‘lower vibrational’ as bad or not on the same level. This apprenticeship humbles you, holds you and provides you with the tools to contextualise the denser parts of your reality instead of resenting them. You are taught how to actually embody and stay present in the darker aspects so you can integrate them and feel like a fully realised and enlivened version of yourself, not because that’s the constant but because you are dancing with your spirits and entities as both valid and necessary. You are given the foundational tools to lead yourself in your experiential wisdom, your playground of life, so that wherever you end up you can revisit and anchor into your own vessel. This is not something you step into to come out the other end 'fixed', it's something you embark upon to get down and dirty with the parts of you that believed you needed to be fixed in the first place. This course ensures you’ll be less likely to give your power away to something or someone outside of you, have faith in your choices and will learn to trust your continuous and ever-changing needs. yay to being more human on this path of karmic clearing (healing )<3

    - Andi-Mae Dicker | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • shadow worker apprenticeship was extremely life altering for me. I’m truly so grateful for the space cultivated in the apprenticeship resources, materials and topics that delved into the subtle nuances of our life. Allowed me to gauge more of my own presence with myself, my energy signature, how I manifest things given my artificially, and those karmic contracts. I received my full connection with underworld descent cycle, patterns, and themes within myself that occur in my life, my shadows and others’ shadows that I’m contracted with. Now knowing to maintain my connection in my body/to my spirits, vs. towards my thought forms and entities, my attachments, and those keeping me often stuck to my ego. Apprenticeship was like a completely sobering experience because it helped me to descend back into the body and not disociate so that connecting internally with what you’re experiencing on the externally, and choose accordingly. Most profoundly, Within this experience my ability to move towards a huge family sacrifice, and not resist my first ego death and due to my not resisting, I was able to process it more; understanding and integrate it.

    - Emnet Woldemicael | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • Being in the Shadow Worker Apprenticeship was life changing. Nikhol is so good at putting words to personal experience of shadow workers. Yes, learning the specifics and intricacies of shadow work is great but just being associated in an energetic space such as this course and this community will initiate so much movement in your life and within yourself. I immediately began to see the topics we were learning reflected in my life. I began to look at myself from a whole different perspective. I started to relate to myself from a new place : a place of strength and resilience and discipline but still rooted in love and patience. I understood the many games my entities were playing with me and began to change the narrative. If you are a shadow worker, and especially if you are just realizing the work you subconsciously do, this course is for you or at the very least moving forward with any kind of work with Nikhol will change your energy and your relationship to yourself and the world.

    - Samantha D’Alessandro | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • Taking this apprenticeship really helped me get through some dark times in my life during the duration of the month. I use to really struggle with the suffering of the world but now, I have a deeper understanding of evil and Karma which has brought me more peace. The community was amazing to engage with! That is what I’ll miss the most aside from the beneficial lessons we watched each week!

    - Cynthia Favela | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • This course is so beautifully cultivated and has so many ways of triggering the depths of the hidden parts of you. Even the parts you knew were there but couldn’t ever articulate, or acknowledge in your own mind even. The dream work was probably one of the most eye opening parts for me personally. Trusting my own messages and choosing to honor what came up from day to day. The way to get the most out of the course is to be unapologetically intentional with the duality of your essence and allowing them to take shape with no actual form.

    - Larissa Torres | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • At the time of the apprenticeship it felt like I was given a space to accept who I am with community and learn about how layered life truly is on a general and personal level. Every time reality felt super thick during our time together and whenever whatever karmic theme was being animated, made me want to shrivel up in a hole and die, the chat and the different reflection rooms on circle felt like a safe haven for me to die, and process, and see myself and let other people see me too, which was probably the most uncomfortable. Intentionally sharing an unsettling part of me. I think the lessons of the apprenticeship are just now setting in or integrating tho because the experiences im facing in my reality at present are proving everything you taught. Specifically of how Im able to shapeshift into something else either for myself or someone else in order to animate a part of myself that was false, so that it can be released and to do so with my whole body, mind, and spirit aware of it (even if not aware on all levels or subtlety more on one than the other). Im seeing how much of a birthright that ability is and how vital of a role it plays, almost like a gateway into no longer being a shell of myself. And I think the key of it is to really accept that there is no rules to spirit and the lengths it’ll go to be free or attain freedom of expression… I’m realizing at present that knowing my baseline energy signature means to me, to have my experiences walking side by side me everyday and not in a way that is haunting cause that tells me I’m resisting the spirits they come with, but as tools in a toolbox to ground me, so that in the event I do need to “code switch” I can be more clear on the whys and limits I can or can’t go and what needs to be reclaimed & integrated in my character before I can go deeper. My favorite thing to do is “trust falling” into a pit of my entities and letting them eat me dry till I’m back to my heart and what I was artificially supplementing for. And the more I grow in this work, the more willful the trust fall needs to get and what I’ve been falling into at present has been icky and felt like I should kill myself off lol but I realized that it’s not my physical life that wants to commit suicide but that thing of judgement & shame that was feeding off me. And I’m building trust in the process. It’s really a muscle that needs to be exercised because I never know how deep an entity was feeding of me for, what’ll have to go once I cut off its supply that felt comfortable (artificially). I can’t control how tf deep that shit feels when light is shed and the removal process commences or for how long I’ll feel that way. That’s why breathe is truly a blessing and having access to practices like we did for the homecoming session. I can go on and on and on. It’s a deep experience and living in the afterlife of it, it what I was apart of hits even more.

    - Bryanne Eyma | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • This course is so beautifully cultivated and has so many ways of triggering the depths of the hidden parts of you. Even the parts you knew were there but couldn’t ever articulate, or acknowledge in your own mind even. The dream work was probably one of the most eye opening parts for me personally. Trusting my own messages and choosing to honor what came up from day to day. The way to get the most out of the course is to be unapologetically intentional with the duality of your essence and allowing them to take shape with no actual form.

    - Larissa Torres | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • The course gave me verbiage & understanding of the experiences I was going through. It felt very affirming to be actively riding through shadow work in a shared space & being able to talk about these experiences with others. It helped me realise that I was already in the throes of shadow work & helped install a deep sense of trust in myself to see myself through the process.

    - Ashley Greenidge | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • I can't measure the value I received from this Apprenticeship. These concepts can be heavy and taboo. Nikhol has a unique and gifted way of guiding you through your spiritual experience, while making it clear that you're responsible for everything you experience on your journey. It can be messy and dark, and invoke some things you weren't expecting, but it was exactly what I needed.

    -Atarah Bere | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • This course broke me out of my shell which I realized was put up by my ego to protect me from weirdos aka ppl who are just dead inside. But to protect oneself from them is irrelevant when they are just here to make things more interesting, to challenge us, to invoke all the necessary things needed to evolve completely. Here is where you learn to let go of those unnecessary fears and trust yourself. My false self didn’t exist in this group because there were so many spirits who resonated with different versions/parts of me that needed to be seen. This group of souls all felt like they were me and it often like I was just talking to myself. There were many triggering moments and just as many synchronistic ones. This was and still is a true coven, something I’ve never been apart of. It made me feel less lonely in this weird world, made me feel warm, naked, but confident and so much more. The time spent in this active course changed the whole trajectory of my life. Sooooo much karma was paid, so much essence was gained and so much more left on pending for me to retrieve on my own time. Yes, Nikhol is very helpful and involved but she let us do our own thing, let us figure things out as a group before answering our questions from her perspective. She was not only a teacher but a student, she learned with us and likely became stronger within her gifts when the course came to an end. What I really appreciate the most is that afterwards she’s still there for you. No, she won’t hold your hand but will hold you accountable by holding space for you as long as you let her. You just have to let her in, let her tear you down so you can bring yourself back up, it’s all love, an act that I am forever grateful for. My spirits love this woman, this soul in this body named Nikhol. If your hesitating about working with her, kill that part of your ego and hop to it while she’s still providing these life changing services. You’ll regret it if you don’t take that chance!

    - Tatianna Hill | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • Nikhol is just a boss at what she does and has the gift to speak articulately and at length on the mechanics of the shadow. This course provides one with great insight around shadow aspects in the self and others. It will entirely shift one's worldview. Nikhol brings something not found easily, and it's open, it's raw, and it's real. Everything about it is invaluable.

    - Armand Soto | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • Being apart of this apprenticeship showed me the importance of sticking to my word & being committed to it. That it is not anyone’s responsibility but my own. There was still Christian programming of leaving it to another external source to do the work I was avoiding to do. Being in this intimate space with everyone during the apprenticeship revealed so many fears, insecurities, triggers that needed my attention. Nikhol provided a space for us all to write down the dreams we had in the dreamscape and it was amazing how we all shared similar themes. I’ve also learned so much from everyone that shared similar experiences and gained tools during this journey. Being apart of this group activated so many ego deaths and brought me back to reality. I’ve been able to have access to memories of my childhood and reconnecting with what I desired. What stood out to me the most was noticing when I felt my energy come back to me when I would stand up for myself in my personal life. I would feel charged up like an energy drink would provide. I definitely recommend this apprenticeship to anyone that wants to know the difference between feeding their spirits or their entities.

    - Anita Polanco | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • First, I felt a charge to start seating and having conversations with my shadows when they emerge and with the demons when they appear for me to detect them. A charge to not scare away from the parts that are totally mine although they may seem weird, fucked up, too ugly, they just want to be heard, be felt, they just want you to explore you. Also opens us up to what can we particularly add into our lives that would pour into them so we can incorporate our essence back and not leave it disregarded till they get so hungry they'll take over. This apprenticeship assisted me as well in activating my own ways of starting to recognize the subtleties on any interaction I may have, provided me tools to navigate my own underworld and not drown trying to desperately reach the surface but to be able see what's happening, what can I do, and how I will emerge again. Also provided me with the guidance of getting to know in detail the processes our physical body may go through when we start to transmute, release and integrate. So if anything, we already known and it's not so foreign we end up wanting to disassociate even more.

    - Yuritza Mota | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • The Shadow Worker Apprenticeship showed me the mechanics of what we call triggers and how to alchemize their presence for cleaning debris in our energetic signature and within another's. Nihkol taught us to use scents, music, and movement to evoke what is necessary to propel energy in the direction it is being directed towards subtly. Those elements showed me where my power was, which is truly in my presence. My ability to stay in my body when I am aware of what I am engaging with as far as pulling buried versions of others up to the surface is what being a Shadow Worker truly is. And being able to digest what arises within you without getting completely possessed by the spirit expressing itself. It is a very intimate course and allowed me to navigate many recent experiences with more intelligence that had nothing to do with my mind but everything to do with the acknowledgment of my innate sensitivity.

    - Danielle Gazi | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • I began this appretenship as someone who struggled with trusting herself and her gifts. The realms of shadow work were somewhat familiar to me but I felt like once other people in my life had to share that space with me (family, personal relationships) my healing journey became a lot more complicated. My descents into the underworld with them were always fleeting, cause I could never stay long enough to integrate anything because I didn't really know how, but it would always leave me wanting more and I wanted to explore that. The community of other shadow workers was my favorite thing about this whole apprenticeship, speaking with other women about our day-to-day experiences, taboo topics, and then being able to break things down and apply what we've learned from the course is why I feel so much more confident on this journey. I felt so seen! The Homecoming Session at the end of this course was the perfect thing to tie it all together. I remember releasing so much, you don't realize how much the breath affects every aspect of our lives.

    - Kezia Ayeyi | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • During the time of the Shadow Worker Apprenticeship, I was in deep longing for transformation and sunken in my shadows of unworthiness and insecurity. Gathering in this container was a potent way to catalyze change within myself and highlight the darkness wishing to be tended to. I have engaged in Nikhol's work in various ways and truly feel that it is so layered and complex that it can be returned to at any point in life, you will always find something new within yourself here. Having the tools laid out for you to be able to engage in shadow work and peel back the veils of one's sight is such a gift. I completed this feeling more seated within myself and in my unseen worlds that previously felt illusive and confusing. I would recommend this course fully.

    - Adrian Bello | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • It’s not easy to face yourself, which is the process that concentrates when you join this space. To be here is to bear witness to yourself within and externally, share storytelling as a sacred and honored space, and be tirelessly true. Nikhol’s Shadow Worker Apprenticeship was a profound experience beyond what words can describe. Trust yourself.

    - Natalia Guerra | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • This Shadow Worker Apprenticeship program will challenge your entire existence in all the right ways. Things that you may have deemed necessity before may very well perish as your spirits commune with Nikhol's because she will gladly provoke the paradigm you have adopted as fact. The objective is to get you back into your body but when you've been gone so long it is oddly satisfying to be in a dissociated state. Whatever shadow work you think you have done, multiply that by 5 to get an idea of how intricate you will go within this course. The attention to detail with each topic conveys a level of thoughtfulness like no other. Before the sessions commenced all participants had a common thread among us that deepened as we became enmeshed in our unique roles. The artificialities began to crumble for me personally. During the apprenticeship I quit my job, lost my food stamps and ended up taking a one way flight to the tropics. This was not a form of escapism rather a petition to the natural world taking a bet on myself and seeking sanctuary in the process. Operating on island time is a different lens I have been navigating and am honored to have the vocabulary from this course to comprehensively do so while welcoming my shadows.

    - Sonya Morrison | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • The Shadow Worker Apprenticeship is great for anyone looking to go beneath the surface of their own bullshit, and have the ability to see through other’s. Since then I have been able to identify patterns, behaviors, and outcomes and make the necessary decisions without the guise of my false self. I can’t say it made life easier but it for sure feels as if I have dropped some baggage and she’d some skin.

    - Larissa Larry | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • The shadow worker program was a transformation, eye opening rollercoaster ride. It was so exciting learning the intricacies of how to clear karma and reclaim birthrights. Nikhol knows just how to grab attention to areas that you may have never seen before and she can draw out experiences so you can see first hand what it’s like to be a shadow worker.. It was so nourishing to have this community and realize I’m not alone in so many ways. The way Nikhol talks is so alchemizing it invokes these experiences to help you see where you are at in your path.

    - Amy Miller | Shadow Worker Apprenticeship

  • I write this in tearssss. I’ve gone over my results about 5 times and experience it differently each time. The cognitive shifts that took place after booking, receiving and now after reading my results again; divine. ✨ I value and have become deeply inspired by Nikhol’s approach to her work. My words can’t express my gratitude enough to Nikhol for the help beyond the results documented. Thank you 🤍🌹

    - Diondra Harris | Eye Reading/Subtle Body Channeling

  • Results of my karmic imprint scan had me tearful whilst reading. I felt so SEEN as Nikhol put into words what I kinda knew about myself already & couldn’t get to the bottom of nor describe myself. She reaffirmed what my soul already knew and I’m beyond grateful. With this new awareness + recommendations I feel able to change my timeline trajectory & can make better sense of my life experiences and the karmic loops I’ve found myself entangled in. The children’s eye reading was an absolute gift. Ive read it so many times already and every time it pulls on my heart strings. Knowing my sons karmic disposition and having some ideas on how to support him during his childhood + help him navigate through potential future scenarios he may likely be faced with is invaluable. Nikhol has a beautiful gift and if you feel called to work with her, don’t think twice!

    -Audra | Karmic Imprint Scan & Children’s Eye Reading

  • Nikhol’s work is phenomenal. She’s clear, concise, honest and overall authentic. Her Karmic Scan was to the point and everything that I needed to be pointed in the direction of more healing. It gave me clues as to what works needs to be done. Her karmic scan also gave way to allowing me to sink more into an awareness of what was revealed, rather than be overwhelmed, I was affirmed in what she shared. Also, the way Nikhol has done this process is very special. I get to interact with her in an open and honest way and know that my sentiments are safe, and that in itself is attuning, having someone to communicate with and not need to over explain what you know that you know but don’t know how you know. It’s easy, it’s effortless and it’s soul fulfilling work to be able to engage with her as a person. Also a note of engagement, don’t lead with expectations of what you think you need or want, you’ll get exactly what you need and what you can handle. It encourages you to actually do more of the work to uncover more about yourself.

    - Sage Manley | Karmic Imprint Scan

  • The practice has changed my life in so many ways. I'm literally a whole different bitch! My dreams are so vivid (I use to never remember my dreams). I've been getting messages from ancestors and spirit. I just feel more fulfilled than I've ever been....you were actually in my dream last night which was different. My life has changed for the better and I can't think you enough for offering this service.

    - Skylar R. | Spirit Weaving Session

  • Nikhol, I wanted to take the time to tell you thank you. You’re the first person I’ve ever received a reading from. I was skeptical about readers due to the large amount of frauds in the spiritual community. I discovered your page and immediately could tell your energy was genuine. From a picture alone you were able to tap into my energy and I’ve never before felt so seen by anyone let alone someone who doesn’t know me personally. You have a Beautiful gift. The first day I sent a picture to be considered for a reading I was visited by a spider right after sending the picture via email (they have significant meaning to me and only show up during certain times in my life then disappear) I then had a vivid dream for the first time in months. Energetically I could feel you tapping into my spiritual space and the dreams I had felt like I was seeing myself in past lifetimes. None of them were like my regular dreams and I haven’t experienced anything like that since. After I received my reading I shared it with my partner and my mother both of which have said to me in previous conversations the very things you discussed. As a child my mother told me after my parents separated my light had dimmed and I was never the same and became very unsure of myself due to my foundation being unstable. I literally told my partner two weeks before receiving the reading that I never got along with women and always hung out with men. But I also have a horrible basically non existent relationship with my father. I realize now that I’ve been replaying the karmic cycle with my father out in my relationships and friendships. I don’t want to type a novel but I just wanted to illustrate the 100% accuracy in your eye reading. Also my mother who I currently have an unhealthy strong tie to , her name doesn’t start with a T BUT her nickname is “TT” OR “Tecia” very rarely do people refer to her by her first name unless In a professional setting, so again that was also another thing that was accurate in your reading. In conclusion I’ve realized that I have been trapping myself in my own karmic cycles I’ve been running from myself Because of your reading I am now ready to face myself and my shadows fully . Not my usual fasting that only feeds my ego and very rarely helps me actually heal spiritually and emotionally. I no longer wish to be a prisoner of my own fears I just want to heal and actually be free I know that healing is my responsibility but I feel like your reading actually gave me something tangible that I can refer to if I ever feel lost again. Thank you again for everything and I look forward to joining your programs in the near future!

    — Baszia S. | Brief Eye Reading

  • Nikhol’s eye reading & work in general has really changed my perspectives/perceptions of the world, and the different realities we can live in all at once depending on how in alignment & in tune you are with yourself. Nikhol picked up and channeled how deeply connected I am to wolves and pine forests, & how their was a masculine figure who worked with wood out in the cold, who relied on me as a maternal support from a young age. For me only to find subconscious subliminals like certain songs that have followed me around in this waking life about wolves, also dreams I so vividly remember, out in snowy forests with a chariot of wolves as if it was a past life. She also mentions how there’s an energy that is waiting to come out of me, that wants blood (symbolically). Which was crazy for me to read at first because I’ve been spontaneously using the blood emoji on my phone, and keep accidentally cutting myself while making my dinner or doing other practical things. The signs/confirmations I picked up after the eye reading are on a different caliber. I was dancing in my room to a song called ‘bloodstream’ which ties into what Nikhol channeled about blood. And as the song was gradually ending, I was opposite my bed which has a tapestry of a pine forest with the northern lights in the sky, and I got chills all over my body because a couple months ago I realised there’s a few subtle outlines on the tapestry that actually make up a face that remind me of who was my dad in this current life, which it might sound completely crazy but I have realised that I see a very similar outline also in my bathroom. This type of reading is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before and as Nikhol says it’s more than just a reading due to her being so tapped in. I am still in shock with how in depth and how accurate everything is on the reading, not because I do not dismiss Nikhol’s gifts but because it’s nothing like I’ve ever experienced before and it’s definitely not to be taken lightly. Thank you Nikhol for allowing me to experience this and open so many doors of information to me!

    - Rebekah Praties | In-Depth Eye Reading

  • The heartwork reading I received was definitely worth the wait! When booking this service I had no idea how much it would shift my internal world and my perception of the world around me. This reading initiated a ton of emotions to be processed immediately, so be ready to cry!! I’m very thankful to have received this reading and I wouldn’t hesitate to book another service with Nikhol!

    - Maya W | Heartwork Eye Reading

  • Nikhol’s reflection will remind you of your truest purity and nature. Her authentic expression beautifully embodies the duality of coexistence. Nikhol’s presence is powerful, transformational, and incomparable. Her words are always captivating and she delivers the message with a flawless balance of potency and eloquence every time. Nikhol’s devotion to true healing and the undeniable love that she pours into her all of her work is guaranteed to open up your heart space. Since I first worked with you, I have been able to give and receive love in much healthier ways than what my ego was allowing for. Your work is truly a gift that forever keeps on giving. You were the first person that led me back to myself and for that I’m forever thankful. Thanks again for being you! Wishing you lifetimes of love, joy, and laughter!

    - Fabiola Godinez | General Review

  • In the Summer of 2021, I was looking to make a change. I wanted to fulfill a life dream of living and raising my child in the tropics. I had always been intrigued and attracted with living outside of the US. So one day while scrolling on Instragram I found Nikhol's page and immediately vibed with the content she was creating. One thing led to another, I followed her page, and thus gained knowledge about workshops and online events she was hosting. To my surprise, one of her live posts was in regards to an online event she would be hosting that was related to the realities of living in the tropics! The price point for the event was ideal for me as a working single mama and more importantly I wanted to hear first-hand from another mama who experienced living in the tropics with her child. The event was inspiring and enlightening. I gained much knowledge, which I then used to plan build and bring my dream of living in the tropics into fruition. Two months after her event, I had relocated to Central America with my child for 2 months in order to experience what life what be like for us. I can't thank Nikhol enough for giving me the tools and raw truth about what to expect. Thank you sis and may you be blessed and continue to help others around the world live out their dreams.

    - Camille H. | General Review

  • It has been a couple months since you’ve sent me my in-depth eye reading and I am eternally grateful. It is truly a gift to have as a reference for myself. The funny thing about life is that a message can be sent to you from a multitude of experiences and people, but only w divine timing and/or a divine messenger will it be delivered and understood. I am so thankful for you being my messenger. You have such a gift of clarity w your communication. What you revealed to me has truly brought me peace and a sense of liberation. I didn’t realize the burdens I carried and identified myself w were never really mine to carry. How much turmoil and pain I caused myself to go through simply bc I identified my whole being to certain aspects of myself that were due to bloodline trauma. I am still in the process of learning to surrender, but damn it feels good to be able to welcome in experiences that I used to be so fearful of. I am definitely interested in your other services and will inquire when I am ready if they are still available. A million hugs and thanks to you!

    - Kaylina M. | In-Depth Eye Reading

  • You see me grow, and the guidance from all your teachings & experiences, has reminded me of how to embody my inner principles of feminine & masculine, in present moment. Thank you for how you gracefully embody both.

    - Bryanne Rose | General Review

  • Today is the second day since receiving my eye reading results. You mentioned me possibly experiencing back pain and reproductive issues maybe hormonal imbalances due to sacral and root chakra imbalances. For the past two days I've been experiencing intense lower back pain and some mild to heavy bleeding. This is not my menstrual because I had that earlier this month. Yesterday was extremely emotional and heavy for me as well. I cried most of the day and tested positive for COVID. I'm not too sure what's happening but I feel like the eye reading was the push I needed. The reading was truly a humbling experience. I realized that I a not who I thought I was. I am not very receptive to feedback from others and typically disregard any advice given from people but everything you said was so accurate and so helpful. I do plan to book a Zoom call to further discuss some things and I would love to work with you soon. Thank you so much Nikhol.

    - Anonymous | Eye Reading/Subtle Body Channelings

  • Nikhol is amazing! I received a karmic imprint scan from her, it was clear, concise, and eye opening. There was nothing that she had missed, and I was able to identify everything she touched on. I appreciate that her scan identified the root cause of my experiences. I am grateful for this experience and look forward to working with her more!

    Chynna Brodie | Karmic Imprint Scan

Has My Work Changed The Trajectory of Your Life?

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